domingo, 25 de agosto de 2013

How does a culture influence its own literature? How are Japanese language, culture and literature reflected in Naruto?

Most of the time in Literature classes, as we are reading some article, book or in my case right now, Naruto manga, we are also investigating and disscusing how does the culture is influencing the popular literature. This is what we were doing this week, knowing their cultural aspects of Japan and how that aspects were transmitted in Naruto story.
 Culture influences many things, not only literature. It can be how they talk, how they are to other people, their plays, how they play music, their lifestyle, etc. Japanese people that are writing Naruto manga, for example, are transmitting many things that maybe now-a-days are not common, but they are representing Japan´s history. Like ninja stuff and that they are living in little places and it is divided in certain villages. Maybe that was a long time ago, but now there are big cities in Japan and even if they still keep their cultural things, what it is placing Naruto's story may have been long time ago. This is not only in this manga, also another famous literature novels around the world were written representing certain period of time of that country. There are written novels from the Renaissance, from Mexican Revolution, from World War II, and many more. 
 Also language is influenced in literature. There are some words that cannot be translated because it will be lost the real meaning. For example in Naruto, the names and the ninja ranges stay the same because if we translated them, they will lose sense, as well as Japanese expressions and cultural things. The words that can appear in different language in any literature book can mean something, can show the culture of where the story is placing.
Sometimes it can be very easy to know where was this story placing and what kind of culture is because there are very obvious placing certain characteristics to the characters that have to do with their culture. In other cases, you have to search very well to know why the characters, plot and places of a literature novel are like they are. But if you keep investigating and searching about the little clues that the author is giving, you will understand and analyze better the stories and why not? Maybe you will be very good at your literature class!

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