martes, 1 de abril de 2014

More poems of John Donne. Opinion and identification of literary devices.

On the past weeks, we have being seeing more poems of John Donne that were pretty interesting for us to analyze them and find out that Donne was not always thinking about sexual stuff or was always super religious. First of all, Donne also has his nice and cute part, talking about themes of love and remaining in love. He talks on some of his poems about being in love, what love means for him and her beloved one and together, they can reach spirituality.

 Also, we found out that Donne defends in one of his poems, the love that he shares with her beloved one. As we saw on the presentations and the analysis of Donne's poems, he was, at the beginning of his long life, making poems about young and innocent love and the power that it has.In my opinion, now I have a different perspective of John Donne because I thought he was a very sexual man and on the other hand, that he also talked about religious things that in his time were important for him and the people of London. Some of the literary devices that I found on his poems were enjambments,cesuras, anaforas, epiforas,and most of the time he uses conceits and his wit for making paradoxes and antithesis. 

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